Supply Chain Planning

Facilitate planning and execution
of all supply chain needs

Supply Chain Planning

Experience increased order fulfillment, more controlled inventory levels, and greater customer satisfaction with MaxQ’s Supply Chain Planning module. It is designed to facilitate the planning and execution of all inventory, purchasing, manufacturing, and site transfer needs under a single facility. It manages sales/forecasts and multi-level dependent demand requirements from kits, BOMs, or site transfers according to a time-phased basis, with easy or automatic transaction entries. Simply put, it tells you what inventory to make, buy, or transfer and when to do it.

Supply Chain Planning for Projects

Our Supply Chain Planning module integrates with the Microsoft Dynamics SL Project modules; perfect for businesses with Engineer-to-Order processes or companies that need to manage inventory.

Features for Maximum Performance

Common Part Numbers (allows consolidating of supply and demand for multiple inventory items)

Work order shortage checking (planners can now check planned orders for manufactured items for shortages before creating the actual supply orders)

Built in Vendor Cost/Pricing tables similar to Order Management’s Sales Pricing

Ability to adjust historical demands to remove effects of unusual demand

Flexible replenishment policies (supports eight different planning policies including Reorder Point, Discrete, Max/Min, Days Supply, Make to Order and multiple Drop Ship methods

User defined calendar with separate entries for forecast, manufacturing, and operating days

The capability to create Microsoft Dynamics SL's Build to Manufacturing Work Orders and link sub-assembly and component part work orders to the parent upper level assembly work orders

Bucket-less supply and demand detail inquiries

Flexible replenishment parameters from item/site level with direct linkage from Inventory Item, Site, and Material Class settings

Automatic purchases, transfer work order generations derived from Planned Orders

Flexible filtering options by Site, Planner, Vendor, Transaction Type, Etc

Manual or system generated forecast plans based upon user definable demand formulas and past history

Easy to review exception reporting including recommended planning adjustments

Creates dependent demand from multilevel kits, BOMs or Item Transfer Tree

Advance drilldown capabilities available in Supply Chain Inquiry

Contact Us Today

If you have any questions, please contact us today.