eProphet for Financial Analysis Acumatica
Improve the Predictability of Financial Performance
If you ask Finance, Sales and Product teams to each provide a calculation on gross profit you will typically receive 3 different reports. Lack of standardization produces invalid assumptions, and invalid metrics.

Using the eProphet Financial Analysis modules provides the standardization you require in financial analysis toensure that everyone is working off the same version of truth. Accurate and integrated financial analysis helps companies understand the viability, solvency, liquidity, stability and profitability of the business

The financial analysis modules in eProphet have past performance and future performance metrics built-in providing a packaged approach to building your financial analysis, which reduces implementation timeframes and implementation fees.
With built-in integration to Microsoft Dynamics GP, Microsoft Dynamics SL, and Microsoft Dynamics CRM, eProphet provides several advantages for executives and financial managers
Easy to implement and easy to use
Built-in metrics and reports specific to financial management
Easy access to and usage of archival data
Built in reports and capabilities including Receivables, Aging, and Credit Management
Integration to Microsoft Dynamics SL, GP and Microsoft Dynamics CRM built in