MaxQ Deposit Processing ends the time consuming task of manually applying and reconciling deposits in Microsoft Dynamics SL. Automated deposit handling reduces processing costs and the risk of errors.
Key Benefits
- Automates deposit processing in Microsoft Dynamics SL
- Allows for multiple payments to be made against a single order (payment schedules)
- Event logs made for easy troubleshooting of data entry errors. (i.e. entering deposits for inactive customers)
- Deposits, on-account cash or credits are automatically applied when invoices are created
- Used with MaxQ Charge It! to mix cash, checks or credit card charges on a single order with all AR cash applications performed automatically
- Automatically creates Accounts Receivable Cash Deposits from deposit checks
- Deposit Processing maintains the un-applied amount, so you cannot over apply a deposit
- Integrated with Order Management’s credit limit checking, to automatically release the order as the appropriate payments are made
- Control of deposit checks with a complete audit trail and flexible bank deposit support